Saturday, November 22, 2008

Shoppers - Free Blue Bonnet

Buy Blue Bonnet sticks 16oz--$1.09
Use $.50 on any Blue Bonnet coupon from 11/9 insert
Coupon tripled to deduct $1.09
Free after tripled coupon

Please also note that while the coupon does have a Food Lion logo on it and is placed in the insert in a manner so as to imply that the coupon is to be used only at Food Lion, the coupon is actually a manufacturers coupon that can be used at any store.

Additionally, please note that if a Shopper's store isn't convenient, you could use the $.50 coupon at any store that doubles couples and sells Blue Bonnet for approximately $1.00 to net free butter.

Furthermore, I noted that Bloom has the same Blue Bonnet for $.99. While they do not double coupons on a daily basis, Bloom does have triple coupon days about once a month that allows overage. Plus, Bloom is an affiliate of Food Lion so if the cashier decided to question the coupon, you would have an even more legitimate claim for acceptance of the coupon.

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