Monday, November 17, 2008

Rite Aid - Free Arm & Hammer Deodorant

Arm & Hammer Deodorant 2.5-2.8 oz--$.99 (sale thru 11/22)
Use $1/1 printable coupon
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A natural deodorant...ehh? I am neither a hippie nor wish to purchase/support anything that could be construed as hippie-like. As a result of having lived a year in tight quarters with a vegan, treehugging fanatic that never engaged in normal hygiene practices, I have little tolerance for anything hippie-like. I am a big fan of using deodorant and am completely okay with using synthetic deodorants. Nonetheless, since this product is free, I might give it a try. I'll just be sure to try it out first on a day I am not as active running around, perhaps a Sunday.

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