This is an ongoing coupon price match-up at Target. You can repeat this deal as many times as you can find or print coupons.
All Small & Mighty (travel size 2 oz)--$1.00
Use $1/1 coupon from inserts or printable from All Website
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This is truly the smallest of the All Small & Mighty products. It can be found in the Health & Beauty section of Target along with all the other travel sized items, not in the laundry section.
Personally, I am super excited about this deal not so much because I want the laundry detergent for travel purposes, but rather my nomadic lifestyle which parallels traveling very closely. Normal sized bottles can last quite a long time, often longer than I live in one place. I don't like wasting laundry detergent and throwing it away just because I am moving. At the same time, I do not like having to lug around a large bottle of laundry soap everywhere I go. Plus, when I move cross-country liquid soap is just a no-go. Yet, I always like to have a little bit of laundry soap with me so that I can last a little while before being forced to buy a large bottle. Recently, I have just been keeping a plastic baggie of powdered detergent in my belonging, but there is always a risk that the bag will rip open. This little bottle will come in very handy. Yet, for some reason I feel like I got over taxed on this little bottle. I'll have to look into it more. But, if I really paid as much tax as my receipt says, then I wouldn't bother trying to do this again as when you do a scale analysis there are some better deals on laundry detergent going on even now. But, if you are going to be doing some traveling, by all means try it out.
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