Wednesday, October 29, 2008

KMart - Free Glade Scented Oil Candle Holders

Several weeks ago shortly after the Walgreens Glade extravaganza I noticed that KMart has Glade Scented Oil Candle Holders for $2.99. Initially, I got super excited as I had a $3.00 off coupon that would make the holder free, but then upon closer examination I the realized that the package at this price is just a holder and does not include any candles. Thus, I didn't feel like it was a wise use of a coupon and passed the holders at KMart up, but still kept the holders in mind for a future deal.

Now, since it is Super Double Coupons Days at KMart and I wasn't have much luck finding any good deals, I decided I would wonder to the Glade aisle. I decided that since there were as abundance of $2.00 coupons available from an in-aisle coupon dispenser that could be doubled and get the holders free, now might be a nice time to get the holders. My store only had Glistening Snow holders, but all the holders are the same and Glistening Snow is a scent that qualifies for a catalina coupon. So I bought 4 so that I could get a catalina coupon that I had hope would double on my next transaction.

Immediately after the clerk finished ringing me up, she ran back to the candle aisle and started grabbing all the candles off the shelf. A few minutes later, when I was ready to ring up the actual candles that I was getting on a separate transaction, I couldn't find a cashier to ring me up. They all literally ran to the candle aisle to grab some for themselves. There were people waiting in line to check out and they ran to get candles for themselves.

Buy Glade Scented Oil Candle Holder--$2.99
Use $2.00 on Glade Scented Oil Candle Holder
Coupon doubled to actual cost
Free after coupon
Limit 4

If you wanted you could also use a printable couponBuy 1, Get 1 Free to get 4 more holders free.

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