Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Western Family - Watch Web Episodes, Get Free Food

I know, I know, enough blabbing already. Coupons blogs are supposed to be about coupons and finding deals. So if you are ready for my first actual shopping tip, here it is:

For all you that live and shop at an Associated Foods store, you can watch web episodes online and get a coupon at the end for a free food item. Just visit

This weeks (September 17-23) free food item is Western Family Mac and Cheese. In terms of actual savings, I think Mac and Cheese is on sale this week anyway, but a free box of Mac and Cheese is a free box, even if it only saves you a quarter.

Associated Food stores are what most people indentify as their small, local grocer. Associated Food stores are known by a variety of names. Check the website for a detailed listing of particpating stores.

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