Monday, March 30, 2009

Harris Teeter - Free 24/7 Lady Speed Stick

Buy 24/7 Lady Speed Stick--$2.00
Use $.75/1 coupon from 3/29 SmartSource insert
Free after tripled coupon

This is a triple coupon deal valid thru Tuesday, March 31, 2009.

I started using Lady Speed as an alternative other pricey deodorants, such as Secret, last year and thus far I am rather pleased with Lady Speed Stick. Initially, I began purchasing Lady Speed Stick at CVS since it goes on sale for $.99 periodically, but I generally am never able to get it free at CVS since the newspaper inserts never match up. However, there has been an introduction of a number new brands to the market and I've since switched to other brands on a trial basis, but I'm glad to score a brand I familiar with for free. Although, I am not yet aware of a distinction between the regular and 24/7 varieties.

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