Friday, January 23, 2009

Shoppers - Triple Coupon Days

Shoppers Food will be holding a week of triple coupon shopping from Thursday, January 22 thru Wednesday, January 28. The coupon days will will feature triple manufacture coupons up to and including $.99. Please note that this month's triple coupon days is slightly different from prior months. In the past coupons $.50 and less were tripled and coupons more than $.50 and up to $1.00 were doubled. Now those $1.00 coupons will count as just regular coupons. This change makes Shoppers more consistent with other stores triple coupon days, yet loses the little something that made Shoppers special.

However, as in the past, while there is no limit to the total number of coupons that can be utilized, there is a limit of 4 coupons for identical items.

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