Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Let's Dish - Free Meal for New Moms

Moms are the busiest people in the world. And new moms? There just aren’t enough hours in the day! It’s practically a miracle when a new mom has time to shower, let alone put a real dinner on her family’s table. That’s why Let’s Dish! is making sure new moms get at least one convenient, wholesome and delicious meal this Mothers Day season - it’s our annual Salute to New Moms event.

Let's Dish is giving away one free meal to all new moms who've had babies since Mother's Day last year (5/11/08). Just bring in proof of baby's birth date to one of Let's Dish locations in Virginia or Maryland between May 5th and May 23rd to assemble one free dinner (serves 2-3). More details are available here.

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