Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shoppers - Free Zone Perfect Bar

Buy Zone Perfect Bar--$1.00
Use $1.00/1 coupon
Free after coupon

Zone Perfect Bars have been on sale at a number of stores over the past few weeks. This is just the first time I have been able to find my Zone Perfect coupon. This is not so much a double coupon match-up as much as a price/coupon match-up. Since there is no actual doubling involved this deal is valid until Shoppers changes the price. New prices and ads take effect on Thursdays at Shoppers. Additionally, there may still be a few lingering B1G1 coupon available that could be used in conjunction with a $1.00 coupon. But, I didn't really care much for my Zone Perfect Bar to worry about locating and printing more coupons. These bars are way better than SoyJoy Bars, but like most nutrition bars have a slight distaste.

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