Sunday, February 22, 2009

CVS - Free Colgate Toothpaste

Buy Colgate Toothpaste, 4.6 oz--$0.88
Use $1/1 coupon from 2/8 or 2/22 insert
Free plus small overage after coupon

Last week Colgate Total was free at CVS in large quantities and this week the basic Colgate Cavity Protection toothpaste is free. Normally, I would pass such deals up since I already have a small stash of toothpaste. However, while reviewing a non-profits wish list I recently noticed "especially toothpaste" on the list. I found this wish to be completely disturbing. There is so much free toothpaste available from a variety of grocery and drugstores. There is no reason for a non-profit to list "especially toothpaste" on their monthly wish list. Thus, I am breaking my general rule against buying items and donating them to charity. I am going to donate so much toothpaste to this organization that they won't know what to do with it all. I figure it is the least I can do to help ensure that those I interact with in the community have access to basic hygiene items. I don't care much for smelling someone else's stanky breath or body odor.

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